App Localization 🇨🇿⚤🇨🇦Localisation is something that occurs in every project I encounter. I found that having a list of useful tips that cover most aspect of…Jan 1, 2023Jan 1, 2023
UIResponder with DiffableDataSource part 2There is a new protocol in Xcode 11 named Identifiable, it seems suitable to combine with Hashable to determine a cell content change by…Feb 10, 2020Feb 10, 2020
Learn AutoLayout rules in practiceFast forward to responsive and happy constraint life…Mar 1, 2019Mar 1, 2019
What is refactoring storyboards?In case of multiple developers there is a feature that splits the storyboards scenes to avoid merge conflict. (Select Editor\Refactor to…Feb 17, 2019Feb 17, 2019
Why did I start programming? The journey to free market economyTo start with I would like to stress that English is not my native language and I am by no means a writer, so please bear with me as I…Sep 1, 2018Sep 1, 2018
Short thoughts dumped on JSON parsing in Swift 5💣 💥 🤠Networking code can definitely be improved. Thanks Apple! No third parties here!👌Sooooo since Swift 4 we got Codable with Decodable and…Nov 8, 2017Nov 8, 2017